Group Mentoring Program Package
Includes 7 Group Mentoring Session plus more
September 13th
CKA Exam Prep 90 minute course, last week of Program
*also offered as a stand alone class for a cost of $100
Join Mentor Coach and owner of Soul Designs Coaching, Lerae Gidyk, for a dynamic group mentor coaching experience. What started out as group supervision for coaches has morphed into an efficient, effective, community and skill building way of acquiring the majority of your required mentor coaching hours. If you are preparing for accreditation with the International Coaching Federation or wanting to grow your coaching skills, competency and/or coaching community, this is the right mentoring choice for you. You will receive mentor coaching that is relevant to your developmental outcomes as well as being enhanced by the rich learning the group environment has to offer. This is a cost effective alternative to one-on-one mentor coaching that will provide you with a way to acquire mentor coaching hours, expand your coaching capabilities and much more.
The ICF limits the number of group mentor coaching hours to 7hrs. However, the program offers eight of the ten required mentor coaching hours by including a recorded coaching session review and 60min 1:1 debrief of written feedback. By participating in the Super Circle group mentoring program you will receive:
7 hours of group mentor coaching
1 recorded session review (written feedback and 60 minute 1:1 debrief)
Total of 8 hours of mentor coaching (of the 10 required for ICF accreditation)
Weekly bonus coaching sessions to listen to and learn from
Diverse and dynamic group learning experience
CKA Prep Exam