October 06
9am PT/12pm ET, 60min
YOU ARE A COACH, THIS IS YOUR WORK! You know this to be true, and yet, you struggle with confidence; you question your value and worth. Whether you are a new coach or have been coaching for years, let me just say, 'the struggle is real', not just for you but for so many! Not only is it real, but it can manifest into feeling like you are a fraud or imposter; you're not a "real" coach. We are here to tell you that you are not alone. You are not the only one. There is a path to peace in this area of your life. The Confident Coach has been carefully designed to include online content that you can work with on your own and with others through group coaching.
The content has been crafted to take you on a journey to bridge the gap between your struggle and your potential in such a way that is sustainable and will bring ease and energy to your overall experience of coaching and being a coach. We would like to invite you to join us so you can align with your soul design and learn how to tap into your full potential as a coach. We believe that you already hold the key to everything you desire. The Confident Coach journey is a 12-week online course that includes six weeks of online content which is supported by six biweekly group coaching sessions. This course will change your heart and mind if you let it. Through in-depth exercises, tools, resources and coaching will gain a fresh perspective. A perspective that will allow you to experience more of what you love about coaching with more ease and a greater sense of fulfillment.