There is a gift that is available for each and everyone of us. That gift can be accessed whenever and wherever needed. It is the gift of pausing. If you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed, "cafuffled" (my son's word), anxious, thoughts racing, just plain exhausted or stuck in a puddle of FUDS (fear, uncertainty, doubt or shame).

DO THIS.... Stop, Drop and P.A.U.S.E
P- Practice
What daily practices (big or small examples, my daily walk to things like flossing teeth) are essential for you to be and feel your best? big or small, it is the following through that matters
A - Awareness
What do I need at this moment?
What is fulfilling and what is depleting my energy/focus/time/energy?
How am I talking to myself? Showing myself compassion?
What feeds my heart/mind/body/soul?
Practice being present with yourself in some way every day.
U - Unplug
Create opportunities to tune into yourself before you tune out (with SM, netflix, other mind numbing distractions)
What "sacred space" can I cultivate in my life and what does that look like or mean for me?
journaling (gratitude, morning pages (writing for 10min every morning, using a timer about anything that is on your heart and mind before your feet hit the floor)
being in nature
meditation (guided, sleep or a sitting practice...other types?)
what else...
S - Strengthen Support Systems
Who are my support people?
What does support look like for me?
How do I support myself?
What/Who feels unsupportive in my life?
E - Enjoy
Where does joy live in this moment?
What I focus on expands....look for joy in each day, situation, challenge - you will find it
Life is happening for you, not to you!
Let joy lead your choices and actions.

I have added a "Book Now" button, if you would like to connect with me in an effort to "pause" please book a 15-30 minute meeting with me now!
No charge. Just an offer to connect and support you in anyway you might need it right now.
Lerae G