Hello Everyone, I hope you are all doing well and finding ways to stay positive, safe, healthy and connected during these times. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak the April, 2020, Flourish & Flow Retreat will be postponed. The new date will be September 23-27, 2020 with a savings of $500us with the new price of $2000 to help those inconvenienced by the date change and the COVID-19 virus.. If at this time international travel is still not possible the retreat will be moved to the following May 2021.
A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has shown interest in this retreat and another big thank you for the understanding of these circumstances to the wonderful people committed to attending. The Flourish & Flow Retreat is something I look forward to every year, and I am keeping my hopes up that we can still have a 2020 retreat! #thinkingpositive
Be safe and well and stay connected! BUY RETREAT PACKAGE