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Coming out of our COVID shells: 7 Re-opening self-care strategies

Writer's picture: Lerae Gidyk, FOUNDERLerae Gidyk, FOUNDER

BC and other areas are cautiously opening up again! Do you feel a bit like a hermit crab during these social distancing, COVID isolation times? As we come out of our self-isolation shell’s we cautiously explore our new environments. A blossoming sense of hope for the future lives in us next to the heightened awareness of a significant viral threat. As the world continues to shift around us, and we in it, we’d like to offer some continuing self-care strategies to support you in grounding yourself through this time:

1. CONTINUE TO CONNECT TO THE PRESENT. Every day, take a few moments to focus on your breath, your heart, and to connect to the present moment. We can’t control what happened yesterday nor force what will happen tomorrow. But with a focus on our breath, we can temporarily remain in the present, slow our negative thoughts and increase our connection to our core.

2. PRACTICE ACCEPTANCE. It will take time for us to feel safe and to be in the world naturally again. We benefit when we can accept the time and feelings this process of adjustment takes. Be kind to yourself when you worry, you feel overwhelmed or things aren’t perfect. Is there a silver lining?

3. LIVE IN HOPE. A sense of hope is a space in which the positive abounds and opportunities live. Hope is powerful. Hope gives strength. We will get through this.

4. TRUST YOURSELF. Believe you can. Like the Hyacinth in our last post. Tune in to yourself to feel what is truly going on and what your level of comfort with coming out of your shell is. Take steps at your own comfort level. Trust in your own unique renewal and realignment.

5. CREATE A NEW VISION. Create a newly aligned vision of your future. Your vision of your future provides clues for your path forward. What could a new vision look like for you? What steps towards it could you safely take at this point in time?


7. SUPPORT. What supports you in staying grounded? A daily chat with a friend? Time in nature? A spiritual connection? A focus on the little joys? You don’t have to do this alone. If it feels right, please join our Self-Care Dial In Session on May 21st for additional ideas and support! We would love to see you there.

And, of course, the basic strategies of our self-care post a few weeks ago still hold: Tune-in to yourself, focus on what you can control, move your body, eat healthy, read a book, keep learning, be kind, be patient, appreciate the silver linings. Come out of your shell. Stay safe. Take self-care. Be hopeful. You got this!

The SoulDesigns Team

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